Yes, Greeting Cards
Around the Way Parchment is here to provide encouragement, inspiration and encouragement through stationery.
We have a card for all occasions from Apology to Zodiac Birthday cards. Need a Sympathy or Thank You Card? It's here too!
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Learn the Story Behind
Around the Way Parchment
Let me tell you how
Think about the feeling you get when you find the perfect journal, or how you feel when you have your life planned out just right in that dope planner.
What about the joy you feel when you receive a handwritten card in the mail? It feels good right?! Journals, notebooks, calendars, greeting cards, writing instruments…they are all examples of stationery.
Around the Way Parchment is here to remind you WHY stationery matters and to provide you with the best options to strengthen the connections that matter most in your life.
Fun fact: A Papyrophilia (pah-pie-row-fill-ee-ah) is an obsession with paper products such as stationery.
Are you a papyrophiliac?!

I was not surprised in the least at the quality of the material, stock and the colors and vibrancy. I can’t wait to put to good use.

The cards are beautiful and they compliment the personalities of my sistafriends! I know
they’ll see themselves (and our inside jokes) in these greetings.

This was the perfect Mother’s Day card. I can’t wait for my friends to get their hip cards!!